Von Willebrand disease is a lifelong bleeding disorder where the blood doesn’t clot properly due to low levels or improper functioning of von Willebrand factor, a protein essential for blood clotting.
Most individuals with this disease are born with it, inheriting it from one or both parents. However, symptoms, such as heavy bleeding after a dental procedure, may not become apparent for years.
While Von Willebrand disease cannot be cured, with appropriate treatment and self-care, most people with the condition can lead active lives.
Many people with von Willebrand disease have the condition without noticeable symptoms, or they may experience only mild symptoms. However, those with a more severe form of the condition may exhibit the following symptoms:
Healthcare providers may treat this condition with various medications:
Desmopressin: This hormone increases the levels of von Willebrand factor in the bloodstream and is the most common treatment for von Willebrand disease.
von Willebrand Factor Infusions: Some individuals receive infusions of von Willebrand factor to stop bleeding episodes or as a preventive measure before surgery. Those with severe von Willebrand disease may require regular infusions to maintain a steady level of von Willebrand factor in their bloodstream.
Antifibrinolytics: These medications prevent blood clots from breaking down. They may be prescribed for dental surgery or for individuals with heavy menstrual periods.
Birth Control Pills: These pills help manage menstrual bleeding by containing estrogen, which increases von Willebrand factor levels in the bloodstream.
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